x35 Online
New x35 Easy Crafter Server Free to Play.
High Five Crafter PvP opening 27 October

About Server

Bygone Lineage2 High Five Crafter PvP

Game Information

Game Version High Five Crafter PvP
EXP x35
Drop x7
Spoil x7
Adena x7
Quest Drop x2
L-Coin Drop x1
Normal Enchant 50% (+3 to +12)
Blessed Enchant 50% (+3 to +12)
Safe Enchant +3
Max Enchant +12
Max Accounts / HWID 4 Accounts

Premium Rates

EXP x87
Drop x17
Spoil x17
Adena x17
Normal Enchant 65% (+3 to +12)
Blessed Enchant 65% (+3 to +12)
Foundation %9
L-Coin Drop x2.5


Queen ant Level: 80 24 Hour Random +12/-12
Core Level: 80 32 Hour Random +12/-12
Orfem Level: 80 32 Hour Random +12/-12
Baium Level: 80 128 Hour Random +12/-12
Beleth 128 Hour Random +12/-12
Antharas 168 Hour Random +12/-12
Valakas 264 Hour Random +12/-12
Max Character in Zone Boss 1 For HWID
Max Same Clan in Zone Boss 27


Period End Day 1 / Day 11 / Day 21
Max Enchant +6
Olympiad Trainer Active Yes
Points For Olmpiad Trainer 1 Points
Anti-Feader Active Yes
Commands Active Yes
Oly Commands .seeres / .oly / .status / .equip

Siege and TW

Siege Time Every 7 days On Sundays
TW Time Every 7 days On Saturdays
Max Wards For Castle 3
Max Character in Zone Siege 1 For HWID
Max Same Clan in Zone Siege 27
Anti-Zerg Active Yes

Game Commands

.offbuff Open store buffs
.autofarm Open Premium Auto Farm Interface
.autoplay Open Free Auto Farm Interface
.report Report a suspicious bot player
Currently this is only one server.